What is it Like To Be Alone in a Cabin Retreat?
When I told my coworkers that I was going to do a three-week solo retreat in silence, in one of the beautiful retreat cabins at Clear Sky Meditation Center where I live, one of the first questions people asked was, “How can you stand to be alone and silent for that long? I think I’d go crazy!”
It’s a fair question. In our hectic modern world we rarely have a chance to be really alone. We have not been trained to spend time with ourselves. Even when we are physically by ourselves, most of us are still staying connected to the world through social media, our cellphones, or what have you. So the idea of being alone, in silence, in a little cabin in the woods, can seem at best weird, and at worst terrifying.
To know more about my cabin retreat experience, visit: www.clearskycenter.org/what-is-it-like-to-be-alone-in-a-cabin-retreat